Top quality Seikon Dyed Men Himo (1 Pair of 2 Pieces)
In Japan there is a way of ranking three items by Sho-Chiku-Bai (Pine, Bamboo, Plum), Pine being the highest. We have graded our top quality strings in this matter.
Sho (Matsu): Pine Evergreens live long, young, and healthy lives. The pine symbolizes faithful friendship which resists all trials.
Chiku (Take): Bamboo Bamboo represents Honesty. When a bamboo is cut, emptiness is found inside. Nothing evil is hidden within. The bamboo is the symbol of the application of discipline and the man who remains loyal in all events.
Bai (Ume): Plum The Japanese plum flower stands for beauty, nobility, and courage. This is because the plum flower puts forth blossoms while the snow is still on the ground. The plum tree flowers before all the others.